COMING SOON: “Using the Engagement Profile and Scale in line with the Rochford recommended Engagement Model.”

A Recovery Curriculum:
Loss and Life for our children and schools post-pandemic
In these fast moving times , we need to reflect and consider how it is for our children. How will all of this affect their mental health and emotional well being?.
Below is a Think Piece , written by Barry and Matthew Carpenter , which discusses these issues .
In it they highlight the value of the Engagement Model to support the process of reinstating each child as an effective learner . In particular , how to reach out to the disengaged child .
The resources on this website are the tools you need to implement these suggestions .
Further information, podcasts and on line discussion is available at
The Engagement Model; guidance for parents.
The Standards Testing Agency (STA) recently published a new leaflet to support parents who have a child that will be assessed using the engagement model.
The Engagement for Learning Framework is a resource for educators, including teachers, teaching assistants and therapists working in both mainstream and special education. It enables them to explore and identify effective teaching and learning strategies for children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities, as well as to record, measure and demonstrate learning outcomes in a meaningful way.
Our Resource Book
Engaging Learners with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities.
By Barry Carpenter, Jo Egerton, Beverley Cockbill, Tamara Bloom, Jodie Fotheringham, Hollie Rawson, Jane Thistlethwaite
Our resource book for teachers and teaching assistants, the book provides school practitioners and leaders with an approach and resources to engage this often disenfranchized group of children in learning. The Engagement for Learning Framework has been developed and trialled by over 100 educational settings (both special and mainstream) with learners from early years to post-16. It gives practitioners from a range of disciplines a shared means of assessing, recording and developing personalized learning pathways and demonstrating progression for these children. The focus on inquiry means that however complex a young person’s needs, educators will be able to apply the approach.

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“Nurturing a culture of inquiry at your school”
In this lecture ,( video recorded in February 2020, ) Professor Carpenter discusses the notion of the lens Inquiry , and how...
New Paper!
This new paper was given to the International Society of Early Intervention Conference, Sydney, June 2019. Evidencing...
The Engagement Model
The DfE has now released the final guidance on The Engagement Model. The guidance describes the formative and summative...
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