Engagement for learning in practice – articles of interest authored by E4L trainers and their CLDD research team co-researchers with teacher-researcher colleagues
Carpenter, B. (2016) ‘Revisiting engagement’, SEND Magazine (May), pages 26-28.
Early Years
Blackburn, C. and Carpenter, B. (2012) ‘Engaging young children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities’, Early Years Educator, volume 14 (part 2), pages 38–44.
Carpenter, B., Cockbill, B., Wiggett, D. and Egerton, J. (2013) ‘Engaging children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities in the classroom’, Special Education Resource Update (Government of South Australia), volume 23 (part 2), pages 1–6.
Carpenter, B., ‘Navigators of learning: the global challenge of educating students with profound and complex learning needs’, Special! (March), pages 22–23.
Carpenter, B., Cockbill, B., Wiggett, D. and Egerton, J. (2014) ‘A new generation of complex learning needs’, Leadership in Focus (Autumn), pages 47–51.
Carpenter, B., Carpenter, J., Egerton, J. and Cockbill, B. (2016) ‘The Engagement for Learning Framework: connecting with learning and evidencing progress for children with autism spectrum conditions’, Advances in Autism, volume 2 (part 1), pages 12–23.
Jones, P., Churilla, I., Demes, A., Sadlo, R., Sweeney, M. and Pastore, H. (2015) ‘Finding Ferdy: a collaborative enquiry about a student with complex disabilities’, Canadian Journal for teacher research. [Online at:; accessed: 4.1.17]
Severe learning difficulties (SLD)
Carpenter, B., Cockbill, B., Egerton, J. and English, J. (2010) ‘Children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities: developing meaningful pathways to personalised learning’, The SLD Experience (autumn), pages 3–10.
Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)
Carpenter, B., Egerton, J., Cockbill, B. and Owen, T. (2011) ‘Having new eyes: engaging children and young people with complex learning disabilities in learning’, PMLD-Link, volume 23 (part 2), pages 4–6.
Moderate learning difficulties (MLD)/Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs
Carpenter, B., Egerton, J., Brooks, T. and Durdle, R. (2011) ‘Engagement in learning’, Special Children, issue 201, pages 40–42.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Carpenter, B. (2015) ‘Complex needs and children with FASD’.
Mental Health
Carpenter, B, Egerton, J. (2015) ‘From Vulnerability to Resilience‘ Special World (issue 2) 18-20
Egerton, J. and Cockbill, B. (2017) ‘Inquiring Minds‘ SEND Magazine – Pages 10-13.
Carpenter, B., Egerton, J. (2010) ‘Born too soon: the Challenge of Prematurity‘, Special pages 30-32.
Carpenter, B., Rose, S., Rawson, H. and Egerton, J. (2011) ‘The rules of engagement’, SEN Magazine, issue 54, pages 34–37.
Bhogal, K. (2016) ‘Engagement Profile and Scale as a Tool‘, SEND magazine 16-18
Carpenter, B., Egerton, J., Turner, M. and Macgregor, A. (2012) ‘Specialist teaching resources’, Special (May), pages 37–39.
School Based Research
Russell, A. (2016) ‘The Role of Teacher Inquiry in Improving Pupil’s Engagement through Eyegaze Technology‘ SEND Magazine 13-18
Carpenter, B. (2007) ‘Developing the Role of Schools as Research Organisations: The Sunfield Experience‘, British Journal of Special Education, 34 (2), 67–76.
Carpenter, B, (2016), ‘The i’s have it‘. SEND magazine (March)
Other titles of interest
Carpenter, B., Egerton, J., Cockbill, B., Bloom, T., Fotheringham, J., Rawson, H., and Thistlethwaite, J. (2015) Engaging Learners with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities. Abingdon: Routledge. (See below for reviews.)
Innovation Teaching School (ed. Carpenter, B. and Egerton, J.) (2014) Developing a ‘Finding Out’ Culture: Teachers evidencing interventions and impact. Farnham: Innovation Teaching School.
Carpenter, B., Blackburn, C. and Egerton, J. (eds) (2013) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.
Blackburn, C., Carpenter, B. and Egerton, J. (2012) Educating Children and Young People with FASD: Constructing personalised pathways to learning. Abingdon: Routledge.
Girls and Autism – Educational, Family and Personal Perspectives: ed. Carpenter, B. Happé, F. & Egerton, J. – 20% off with this Flyer – Download
Reviews of: Engaging Learners with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (Routledge, 2015)
This book authored by E4L trainers and their co-researchers in the original DfE-funded CLDD Research Project gives further insights into the Engagement for Learning Framework. Diane Rochford, Chair of the Rochford Review, has stated, ‘This book is the Bible for implementing the Engagement to Learning approach.’ Reviews of the book are listed below:
Review – Associate Professor David Dossetor, University of Sydney (2016) for CHW School Link Journal, volume 7, issue 2. [Online at:; accessed: 4.1.17]
Review – Juliette Hayes (2015) for Leading Lights (New Zealand Educational Administration & Leadership Society Newsletter), Issue 2. [Online at:; accessed: 4.1.17]
Review – Parents in Touch [Online at: Book-reviews-books-for-parents-and-teachers; accessed: 4.1.17]
Review – Anne-Frances Royle (2015) for Special World, Issue 3, pages 53–54 [Online at:; accessed: 4.1.17]
Review – Rob Ashdown (2015) for PMLD-Link, volume 27, part 2, page 52. [Online at:; accessed: 4.1.17]
Consultation outcome Primary school pupil assessment: Rochford Review recommendations
Our Resource Book
Engaging Learners with Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities.
By Barry Carpenter, Jo Egerton, Beverley Cockbill, Tamara Bloom, Jodie Fotheringham, Hollie Rawson, Jane Thistlethwaite
Our resource book for teachers and teaching assistants, the book provides school practitioners and leaders with an approach and resources to engage this often disenfranchized group of children in learning. The Engagement for Learning Framework has been developed and trialled by over 100 educational settings (both special and mainstream) with learners from early years to post-16. It gives practitioners from a range of disciplines a shared means of assessing, recording and developing personalized learning pathways and demonstrating progression for these children. The focus on inquiry means that however complex a young person’s needs, educators will be able to apply the approach.
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